Tuesday 1 November 2011

Rainbows in Strangest places

Its been quite some time since I last wrote a blog, and although I have been busy putting together a few things that I will share in due time, I have not really had a lot to put up here.

However today I would like to share something. A little while ago I read an article on the Daily Mail website about a guy who while travelling on the motorway took a photo of the end of the rainbow. The photo from the article is the on the left here and the article can be found here

I had thought at the time that it was crazy how lucky someone could have been to have seen this. I remember as a child that I was told that you could never see the end of a rainbow, mostly because of the way that a rainbow is formed. That however is obviously not true.

Now for the Christian, the rainbow holds a different meaning - its a reminder of the promise of God to Noah after the flood as can be found in Genesis.

And then today I was driving (I finally passed my test and bought a car) back from Cardiff after doing some shopping, the sun was shining a fantastic Autumn sunny day, as I approached Bridgend it began to rain hard, but the sun still shone brightly. 

I looked in my rear view mirror in order to change lanes, like you should and low and behold, I too saw the same event that's described in the daily mail article. A rainbow appeared from the sky and hit the motorway behind the car.

I am sharing this because over the past few months I have been faced with a situation that's been pretty stressful, and although I will not go into it here, I have been trusting in God to get me through it.

This week there was breakthrough in this situation and things have turned out well, all sorted and its nothing that I could have done to sort out, I have left the situation in the hands of Christ and trusted that He will get me through and that is just what He has done.

I felt like that rainbow today was a little message to me, remember my promise. The bible tells us God has plans for us, to prosper us and to give us hope and a future, a promise you can find in Jeremiah 29:11

I guess the purpose of this quick blog is as an encouragement, for those going through things or are awaiting God on something in Prayer - remember His promises.

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