Saturday 21 May 2011

End of the World

Welcome to judgement day, apparently.

It was said that today the world would end right about now, that a massive earthquake would bring about the end of the world and with it usher in judgement day.

This got me thinking, especially as the predicted time (at least where I live in the world) came and went without incident, in as much as there was no earthquake in the UK.

As Christians, we believe that the rapture is coming, and the end of the world will come with the judgement of God.

But as Christians, should we be trying to predict when?

Matthew 24:36 is a passage of scripture that for me makes it really clear. NO ONE knows the time or the day.

This is the word of God, so shouldn't we be paying attention to that fact.

Now I don't wish to seem judging of those that feel lead to make these predictions, but my view point is, why waste that time when God has already told us that we can not know the time. This is Jesus telling us that while here on earth that only the Father will know when these events will happen.

What does this mean for us here on earth.

We have a ticking timer, that will run out. What are we to do. Surely there is no better time than right now to do what we were commanded to do.

What follows are my notes from a sermon by a good friend of mine, Pastor Josh Hannah from Friendship World Outreach in Tennessee. Taken at a recent service at Bethel Elim Church.


The greatest challenge facing the church, the biggest obstacle - changing your mindset to make a difference.

We don't need to get the world into the church, we need to get the church into the world.

Jesus said Go.

Luke 10 - Go to Homes, that's what Jesus said, and if you find a man of peace you stay, meet the needs.

The challenge is not to pray 'Oh world come' its to pray 'Oh church Go'

Mark 16:15 

If its got breath and its kicking Preach to it

Revival is coming but its not like we have ever seen before. Its NOT going to be people coming in.
Its gonna be the few that are willing to Go - that's whats gonna bring in revival.

Pray that they will be sent to the harvest

Luke 14:23 - Go and compel them to come in

1 John 3:18 

Anybody can go, its not about your Words. Jesus didn't just love in words, Jesus loved people in His deeds too.

Matt 5:16 

What is your light? What do people see?

Its your good works that they see, and when they do they glorify your Father in heaven.

And its not about your money either, You can never ever out give God.
What you do for others, God will do for you.

John 2 -  Canaan wedding, and the first miracle.

Jesus had done nothing by this point, He had not walked on water, healed the sick or any of that stuff.
The servants didn't have to obey Him, they didn't have to do anything Jesus said, yet they chose to serve Him.

Verse 9 says that the master of the house did not know where the wine had come from.

The servants know what nobody else does.

Jesus didn't make them serve, and He will not make you serve either.

But its not about what happens to you if you don't serve that should motivate you, - its the things that God would do in your sight if you serve that should motive you.

You'll see God more if you serve.

When you do a good deed, you release endorphins in your body. Science proves that serving God by serving others put you into the joy of the Lord.

When you serve others, God will do for you.

Ephesians 2:10

Blessed means happy

We need to go out - Go into the world.

Go make a difference.

(I would like to point out once more that these constitute my notes of the preach, they are the things that stood out to me in the sermon, and are not Josh's notes - so as a disclaimer, the content is my interpretation of the message given only)

To finish I would like to share one other thing that Josh shared and that I already had knowledge of from the person involved testimony, but I feel its important to realise.

Another friend of mine committed his life to Christ just about a year ago now, and His journey to God began because one christian said five simple words to my friend. But those 5 words changed His life forever - all because one person was willing to Go, be obedient to the command of Jesus.

Those words

'Put Your Faith In God'

If that was enough to change one persons life, Why not another person.

Time is running out. Go

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